PACK OF DORKS in the news!

Holy Lollipop Farts!

I'm overwhlemed with the love and attention friends, family and readers are showering on PACK OF DORKS!

Check out this amazing Q&A about PACK OF DORKS in The Huffington Post! Journalist Mary Pauline Lowry calls it "pitch perfect."

*Grins!* (While you're at it, check out Lowry's incredible new release WILDFIRE! We share a book birthday.)

I also love this review by El Extrano Gato del Cuento. Viva Manada de raritos!

Right now, I'm listening to the amazing Audible version. Check out a sample here. The talented narrator, Cassandra Morris, is a spot-on Lucy. Believe me, I know what happens in the story. But I'm still listening away as it comes alive in a whole new way for me.

 Stay tuned! I'm planning a giveaway of audio books!